[jong chái ngern kǎwng khun pai gàp sìng tîi ngern séu dâai]
Spend your money on the things money can buy.
[láe chái welaa kǎwng khun pai gàp sìng tîi ngern séu mâi dâai]
Spend your time on the things money can’t buy.
Quote by Haruki Murakami (Japanese writer)
[ – – – V o c a b u l a r y – – – ]
ใช้ [chái] to use, to spend
เงิน [ngern] money
เวลา [welaa] time
ของ + someone [kǎwng + someone] of (used to express possession)
คุณ [khun] you
สิ่ง [sìng] thing
ที่ [tîi] that (relative pronoun)
ซื้อ [séu] to buy
ได้ [dâai] can
ไม่ได้ [mâi dâai] cannot
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