[Intermediate Course]
Sweet Green 1: Man & Mandy F r e e
Sweet Green 2: On the Way to Thailand
Sweet Green 3: Eating Out
Sweet Green 4: In a Taxi
Sweet Green 5: I Love Your Dress!
Sweet Green 6: Indebted
Sweet Green 7: Buying Papaya Salad
Sweet Green 8: A Sudden Change
Sweet Green 9: Dad’s Permission
Sweet Green 10: Looking for Big Flip-Flops
Sweet Green 11: I’m Busy F r e e
Sweet Green 12: Let’s Go Have Dinner
Sweet Green 13: A Long Walk to an ATM
Sweet Green 14: The Unique Presents
Sweet Green 15: Buying a Movie Ticket
Sweet Green 16: The Perfect Shot
Sweet Green 17: My Car Got Stolen!
Sweet Green 18: The Hotel’s Special Deal
Sweet Green 19: A Mysterious Phone Call
Sweet Green 20: The Songkran Festival
Sweet Green 21: The Biggest Fan
Sweet Green 22: The Pronunciation Mistake
Sweet Green 23: You Shouldn’t Go to Disney Now
Sweet Green 24: The Real Reason
Sweet Green 25: Cut & Curl 2140
Sweet Green 26: Yes to the Sea, No to the Sun
Sweet Green 27: My Alcoholic Wife Gives Me Headaches!
Sweet Green 28: Who Takes the Trash Out
Sweet Green 29: You Can Have My Seat
Sweet Green 30: Are You Interested in Me?
Sweet Green 31: Horribly Healthy
Sweet Green 32: At the Post Office F r e e
Sweet Green 33: Can You Be My Boyfriend?
Sweet Green 34: The Bedtime Story
Sweet Green 35: The Perfect Condo |

[Advanced Course]
Spicy Red 1: Massage & Fish Spa F r e e
Spicy Red 2: Cakes for a Birthday Party
Spicy Red 3: Where’s My Suit?
Spicy Red 4: You Get What You Give
Spicy Red 5: Old Guy Learning English
Spicy Red 6: A Family Guy
Spicy Red 7: A Trip to Remember
Spicy Red 8: The Love Affair
Spicy Red 9: Forget About It!
Spicy Red 10: The Multilingual Family
Spicy Red 11: The Soulmate F r e e
Spicy Red 12: What a Small World!
Spicy Red 13: Strangers at the Airport
Spicy Red 14: The Newlyweds on a Vacation Trip
Spicy Red 15: The Pastry Shop Startup
Spicy Red 16: Love Without Boundaries
Spicy Red 17: Meeting with a Psychiatrist
Spicy Red 18: A Family Day Out at the Zoo
Spicy Red 19: Eating Hot Pot at MK
Spicy Red 20: Bangkok Sightseeing
Spicy Red 21: Let’s Make Your Mommy Proud
Spicy Red 22: Finding Love Online
Spicy Red 23: It’s Time to Grow Up
Spicy Red 24: Who’s Right? Who’s Wrong?
Spicy Red 25: The Thai Food Expert
Spicy Red 26: The In-Law Conflict
Spicy Red 27: Freedom
Spicy Red 28: It’s All About Teamwork
Spicy Red 29: A Weird Crime
Spicy Red 30: Used Car Shopping
Spicy Red 31: You’re The One
Spicy Red 32: My First Time Singing F r e e
Spicy Red 33: The Watermelon Project
Spicy Red 34: My Difficult Life
Spicy Red 35: Compassion |
Hi , Quick question:
If I would like to get all the lessons in a course , how can I do that ? At the moment , it makes me click on each lesson to add to the basket but is there a way to click once and add all the lessons in one go ?
Dear khun Natalia, please go to this page: http://pickup-thai.com/value-packages/ and select whatever course you’d like to buy. Not only will you receive all of the lessons from that course, you will also get them at a discounted price. Thank you for your interest in learning Thai with us.