“~ให้ได้” [hâi dâai] is one of the commonly used idioms in spoken Thai. It functions as an adverb modifying a verb. Thus, it generally follows a verb and often appears at the end of a sentence.
Although this idiom doesn’t have an equivalent in English and translations of this word may vary, its overall meaning is “absolutely,” “no matter what,” “at any cost,” or “without fail.”
It’s mostly used to express one’s determination. When someone states that they will do something “~ให้ได้” [hâi dâai], it means that they will do everything they can to achieve a certain goal or to make sure something happens. More than that, “~ให้ได้” [hâi dâai] can also be used to imply that someone will do something regardless of the circumstance.
This expression can have either a positive or negative connotation depending on the context. In other words, it may imply that the subject is “determined” (positive) or “obstinate” (negative). When used in an invitation, it expresses enthusiasm from the speaker’s end. And it adds seriousness to commands.
Take a look at these examples below for better understanding.
1. มางานวันเกิดเราให้ได้นะ
[maa ngaan wan gèrd rao hâi dâai ná]
Definitely come to my birthday party!
2. ไม่ต้องห่วง ผมจะไปหาคุณให้ทันสองโมงให้ได้
[mâi dtâwng hùang, phom ja pai hǎa khun hâi tan sǎwng mong hâi dâai]
Don’t worry. I’ll see you at 2pm without fail.
3. เราจะทำโปรเจคนี้ให้สำเร็จให้ได้
[rao jà tam project níi hâi sǎmrèt hâi dâai]
I’ll do whatever it takes to make this project successful.
4. ยังไงก็ต้องหางานทำภายในเดือนนี้ให้ได้
[yang ngai gâw dtâwng hǎa ngaan tam paai nai deuan níi hâi dâai]
I’ll do everything to get a job within this month.
5. แหวนนี้มีค่ากับฉันมาก ฉันจะพยายามหามันให้เจอให้ได้
[wǎen níi mii kâa gàp chán mâak, chán ja payayaam hǎa man hâi jer hâi dâai]
That ring means a lot to me. I won’t give up of looking for it until I find it.
6. ผมจะทำให้แฟนเก่ากลับมารักผมอีกครั้งให้ได้
[phom ja tam hâi fan gào glàp maa rák phom ìik khráng hâi dâai]
I’ll do all I can to make my ex-girlfriend love me again.
7. ลูกจะเอาของเล่นนี้ให้ได้ ยังไงก็ไม่ยอมกลับบ้าน
[lûuk ja ao kǎwng lên níi hâi dâai, yang ngai gâw mâi yawm glàp bâan]
My son wanted (me to buy him) this toy no matter what. He wouldn’t go home without it.
8. เขาจะใส่เสื้อตัวนี้ให้ได้ ถึงแม้มันจะขาดแล้วก็ตาม
[káo ja sài sêua dtua níi hâi dâai, těung máe man jà khàat léaw gâw dtaam]
He refuses to wear any other shirt but this one, even though it’s already torn.
9. เขาจะทำด้วยตัวเองให้ได้ ฉันจะช่วยก็ไม่ให้
[káo ja tam dûai dtua eeng hâi dâai, chán ja chûai gâw mâi hâi]
He will do it by himself no matter what. He wouldn’t let me help him at all.
10. ถึงทุกคนจะบอกว่าเขาไม่ดี ฉันก็ไม่สน ยังไงฉันก็จะแต่งงานกับเขาให้ได้
[těung túk kon ja bàwk wâa káo mâi dii, chán gâw mâi son, yang ngai chán gâw jà dtàeng ngaan gàp káo hâi dâai]
Even though everyone says that he’s a bad person, I don’t care. I’ll marry him no matter what.

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