พ่อ [pâw] = father
แม่ [mâe] = mother
ลูก [lûuk]= son, daughter
พี่ [pîi] = older sibling
น้อง [nóng] = younger sibling
สามี [sǎamii] = husband
ภรรยา [panrayaa] = wife
ปู่ [pùu] = paternal granddad
ย่า [yâa] = paternal grandmom
ตา [taa] = maternal granddad
ยาย [yaai] = maternal grandmom
ลุง [lung] = uncle (dad’s or mom’s older brother)
ป้า [pâa] = aunt (dad’s or mom’s older sister)
น้า [náa] = mother’s younger brother or younger sister
อา [aa] = father’s younger brother or younger sister
หลาน [lǎan] = niece, nephew, grandson, granddaughter
ลูกพี่ลูกน้อง [lûukpîi lûuknóng] = cousin

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