อย่าว่าแต่ . . เลย [yàa wâa tàe . . loei] means “not just” or “not only”. Usually, it is used in a sentence consisting of two clauses where the other clause often begins with “ขนาด” [kanàat] or “แค่” [kâe]. The sentence, thus, generally expresses the idea of “Not only…, even… ” For example, อย่าว่าแต่คุณเลย ขนาดผมก็ยังอยากไป [yàa wâa tàe khun loei, kanàat phŏm kâw yang yàak pai] Not only you, even I want to go.…
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“เอาอีกแล้ว” [ao ìik léaw] could translate as “There he goes again!” (you can replace “he” with any other pronouns but “I” and “we”). This expression is generally exclaimed when somebody just repeated the same action that he had done before and it is not a good thing or he had better not do it for some reason.…
Continue reading เอาอีกแล้ว “ao ìik léaw”“เลยตามเลย” [loei taam loei] is used as an idiom meaning to “leave it like that.” or to “let it keep going.” It is generally used when someone makes a mistake or does something that makes some situation become difficult to fix so he has to just leave or accept the situation as it is without trying to change it.…
Continue reading เลยตามเลย “loei taam loei”“ไหน” [năi] comes from “ที่ไหน” [tîi năi], which means “where”. However, in colloquial language, it is used in many more contexts than just asking about location. For example: “ไหน บอกมาซิ” [năi bàwk maa sí] Tell me! tell me! “ไหน ขอดูหน่อยซิ” [năi kŏr duu nòi sí] Let me see! let me see!…
Continue reading ไหนบอกว่า “năi bàwk wâa..”The expression “มัวแต่..(อยู่)” is used in a situation where you do something with a lot of attention for a long time, without caring about other things that you are supposed to do, or in most cases, you are so absorbed in doing something that you forget to do something else that is more important or necessary to get done.…
Continue reading มัวแต่..(อยู่) “mua tàe…(yùu)”This expression could be translated as “still”, “even so”, “yet” or “nevertheless”. It is often used to complain, reproach or criticize someone who does something that is clear that he is not supposed to do or just the opposite of what he should do or vice versa. For example “อ้วนแล้วยังจะกินเยอะอีก” [Uân léaw yang jà gin yér ìik] “You’re already fat but even so, you eat so much”.…
Continue reading แล้วยังจะ..อีก “léaw yang jà…ìik”แล้ว [léaw] means “and then”, e.g. ตรงไปแล้วเลี้ยวซ้าย [trong pai léaw líaw saái] Go ahead and then, turn left. ค่อย [kôi] is used in front of a verb to imply that you will do that action in the future – not now e.g. เดี๋ยวค่อยกิน [dǐaw kôi gin] I’ll eat that later. ว่า [wâa] is often used after verbs that you would normally use the word “that” after, like คิด [kíd] think (that..),…
Continue reading แล้วค่อยว่ากัน “léaw kôi wâa gan”“ตาม” [taam] as a preposition means “according to”, “as” or “along” e.g. “ตามคำสั่ง” [taam kam sàng] according to the order, “ตามตกลง” [taam tòk long] as agreed, “ตามถนน” [taam ta nǒn] along the street. And “นั้น” [nán] is a demonstrative adjective meaning “that”. For example, “อันนั้น” [an nán] that one or “คนนั้น” [kon nán] that person.…
Continue reading ตามนั้น “taam nán”