Yuki & Miki @ PickupThai

22279629_1927818937232938_695038949069022509_nคนอื่น [kon èun] Other people
กู [guu] Me

Grammar corner – – *

Did you know that the word “อื่น” [èun] meaning “another” or “other” is usually used in this structure -> “noun + classifier + “อื่น” [èun],” but the classifier can be omitted when it’s the same as the noun?…

Continue reading Other People VS Me

Did you know that in Thai we also have a word that has a similar usage to that of the filler word “like” in English? That’s the word “แบบ” [bàep]. The formal meaning of “แบบ” [bàep] is model, style, way, form or pattern. But it’s also used in the same way as the word “like” in English when used as a filler word, that is, it does not carry any meaning but it’s simply used to mark a pause or hesitation in speech.…

Continue reading Thai Equivalent of The Filler Word “Like”

Did you know? Apart from “face,” “front,” “page” and “next,” the word “หน้า” [nâa] can also mean “season”? It’s an informal term for the word “ฤดู” [réuduu]. Let’s take a look at the example sentences using the word “หน้า” [nâa] with all five different meanings below.


ดูให้หน่อย มีอะไรติดหน้ารึเปล่า
[duu hâi nòi, mii arai tìd nâa réu plào]
Can you check if there’s something on my face?…

Continue reading The Meanings of หน้า [nâa]


[dtawn mâi mii arai tam]
When I don’t have anything to do.

[dtawn mii arai mâak maai dtâwng tam]
When I have lots of things to do.

[ – – Grammar Corner – – ]

“อะไร” [arai] doesn’t always mean “what.” Like in the example above, “อะไร” [arai] can sometimes mean “something,” “anything,” “nothing” or simply “thing.”…

Continue reading Anything, Something, Nothing

In Thai, we add the word “ขนาดนี้” [kanàad níi] or “ขนาดนั้น” [kanàad nán] after an adjective or an adverb to express a specific amount or extent of something. In other words, we say “ขนาดนี้” [kanàad níi] for “this much” and “ขนาดนั้น” [kanàad nán] for “that much.” Let’s take a look at the following examples for better understanding.…

Continue reading “This much / that much”

ทายสิคะว่า ราชากับราชินีแห่งผลไม้ไทยคือผลไม้อะไร
[taai sì ká wâa raachaa gàp raachinii hàeng pǒnlamáai Thai keu pǒnlamáai arai]
Guess what fruits are the King and the Queen of Thai fruits?


The answer is…

ราชาแห่งผลไม้ไทย คือ ทุเรียน
[raachaa hàeng pǒnlamáai Thai keu túrian]
The King of Thai fruits is durian!…

Continue reading The King & The Queen of Thai Fruits


Things that Babies Do

ร้องไห้ [ráwng hâai] to cry
หัวเราะ [hǔa ráw] to laugh
ยิ้ม [yím] to smile

ไอ [ai] to cough
จาม [jaam] to sneeze
สะอึก [sa èuk] to hiccup
งอแง [ngaw ngae] to fuss

กิน [gin] to eat
กลืน [gleun] to swallow
เรอ [rer] to burp
อ้วก [ûak] to throw up
แหวะนม [wàe nom] to spit up / to regurgitate
ดูดนิ้ว [dùud níw] to suck one’s thumb

นอน [nawn] to sleep
หาว [hǎaw] to yawn
กรน [gron] to snore
สะดุ้ง [sa dûng] to be startled
บิดขี้เกียจ [bìd kîi gìat] to stretch

ลืมตา [leum taa] to open one’s eyes
หลับตา [làp taa] to close one’s eyes
กระพริบตา [grapríp taa] to blink

ตด [tòd] to fart
ฉี่ [chìi] to pee
อึ [èu] / ขี้ [kîi] to poop
น้ำลายไหล [námlaai lǎi] to drool

นั่ง [nâng] to sit
ยืน [yeun] to stand
คลาน [klaan] to crawl
พลิกตัว [plík tua] to roll over


Things that We Do for Babies

ป้อน [páwn] to feed
ให้นม [hâi nom] to breastfeed
เช็ดปาก [chét pàak] to wipe one’s mouth
จับเรอ [jàp rer] to burp

ชงนม [chong nom] to prepare formula
ล้างขวดนม [láang kùat nom] to wash bottles
นึ่งขวดนม [nêung kùat nom] to sterilize bottles

อุ้ม [ûm] to hold
ปลอบ [plàwp] to comfort / to soothe
กล่อม [glàwm] to lull to sleep by singing
วางลงเปล [waang long play] to put in the cradle

อาบน้ำ [àab náam] to bathe
สระผม [sà pǒm] to wash hair
ทำความสะอาด [tam kwaam sa àad] to clean
ห่อตัว [hàw tua] to swaddle
เปลี่ยนผ้าอ้อม [plìan pâa âwm] to change diapers


Things that Babies Need

นม [nom] milk
นมแม่ [nom mâe] breast milk
นมผสม [nom pasǒm] formula
ขวดนม [kûat nom] bottle
จุกหลอก [jùk làwk] pacifier

ผ้ากันน้ำลาย [pâa gan námlaai] bib
ผ้าอ้อม [pâa âwm] diaper
ทิชชู่เปียก [tissue pìak] baby wipe
ผ้าห่อตัว [pâa hàw tua] swaddle blanket

เปล [play] crib
อ่างอาบน้ำ [àang àab náam] bathtub
กระโถน [gratǒne] potty
รถเข็น [rót kěn] stroller
ที่นั่งติดรถยนต์ [tîi nâng tìd rótyon] car seat
เก้าอี้สูง [ gâo îi sǔng] high chair

ตุ๊กตา [túkgataa] stuffed animal / doll
ตุ๊กตาหมี [túkgataa mǐi] teddy bear
ของเล่น [kǎwng lên] toy


Continue reading Baby Vocabulary

The expression “to keep (on) doing something” or “to continue doing something” in English can be expressed in Thai by using the structure of a “verb” followed by the word “ต่อ [tàw]” which means “to extend,” “to lengthen,” or “to prolong.” For example “กินต่อ [gin tàw]” means to “keep eating” and “พูดต่อ [pûut tàw]” means to “keep talking.”…

Continue reading “To keep (on) doing…”

When you are obsessed with something you have just obtained or something new in your life, in Thai we use the verb เห่อ “hèr” to describe the obsession. It can be used with either an object, an animal or a person, as long as they are new. Let’s take a look at the examples below.…

Continue reading เห่อ “hèr”


สุขสันต์วันแม่ แม่ๆทุกคน
[sùk sǎn wan mâe, mâe mâe túk kon]
Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers.

วันนี้วันที่ 12 สิงหาคม ตรงกับวันแม่ของไทย
[wanníi wan tîi sìp sǎwng sǐng hǎa kom, trong gàp wan mâe kǎwng Thai]
Today is the 12th of August, which is Thai Mother’s Day.

[wan mâe pii níi pen wan tîi písèet sǎmràp chán]
This year’s Mother’s Day is a special day to me.…

Continue reading Mother’s Day



เคยเห็นแล้วหรือยังคะ หุ่นแมคโดนัลด์ยืนไหว้
[koei hěn léaw rěu yang ká, hùn McDonald’s yeun wâai]
Have you seen a McDonald’s mannequin doing the Thai “wai” yet?

[léaw kun rúu mǎi ká wâa McDonald’s tîi meuang tai mii menu kâao gàprao dûai]
And did you know that Thai McDonald’s serve kaprao?

Continue reading Thai McDonald’s


จะจบ ป.4 หรือปริญญาโท
[jà jòb paw sìi rěu pàrinyaa to]
Whether it’s a fourth-grade dropout or a Master’s graduate,

พอถึงเวลาโมโห ก็โง่พอๆ กัน]
[paw těung welaa mohǒ gaw ngô paw gaw gan]
both are equally foolish when angry.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Grammar (^ – ^)/*

(ไม่ว่า)จะ … ก็ …
(mâi wâa jà … gâw …)
Whether it is ..…

Continue reading When angry…


[àan àwk mái ká wâa kǐan wâa arai]
Can you figure out what is written?





เฉลย [cha lěoi] the answer is:

คนไลค์มีเยอะแล้ว อยากมีคนรัก
[kon like mii yér léaw, yàak mii kon rák]
I have enough people “liking” (my status). I want someone who loves me.…

Continue reading What Does It Say?


If this café’s name was to be translated into Thai, it would be…
“นั่งลงแล้วหุบปาก” (nâng long léaw hùp pàak)

Let’s take a look at what each word means.

นั่งลง (nâng-long) : to sit down
แล้ว (léaw) : and then
หุบปาก (hùp-pàak) : to shut up

*“หุบปาก” (hùp-pàak) is considered quite an offensive expression.…

Continue reading Sit Down & Shut Up