“ตาม” [taam] as a preposition means “according to”, “as” or “along” e.g. “ตามคำสั่ง” [taam kam sàng] according to the order, “ตามตกลง” [taam tòk long] as agreed, “ตามถนน” [taam ta nǒn] along the street. And “นั้น” [nán] is a demonstrative adjective meaning “that”. For example, “อันนั้น” [an nán] that one or “คนนั้น” [kon nán] that person. When Thai people say “ตามนั้น” [taam nán], we mean “as told, agreed, discussed or concluded earlier.” For example if someone says “ผมไม่ต้องการทำตามนั้น” [phǒm mâi tông kaan tum taam nán] it means he refuses to do what he was told to do. However, these days Thai people, especially the younger generation love to use this expression by itself. It has become somewhat like a slang word and the meaning is similar to “Got it!” or “Let’s do that!”. For example, A: เดี๋ยวแกไปก่อนแล้วเราจะตามไปทีหลังนะ [diǎw kae pai kòrn leáw rao jà taam pai tii lǎng ná] You go first and I’ll follow you later) B: โอเค ตามนั้น [OK, taam nán] Alright, let’s do that.

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