Request for Private Lessons Your name Your age ---Under 2021-2526-3031-3536-4041-4546-5051-5556-6061-65Above 65I'd rather not state my age. Your gender ---MaleFemaleI'd rather not state my gender. Your nationality Your native language Your current location and time zone Your email address (please double check your spelling) Your level of Thai language proficiency / background / experience with the language. Which teacher would you like to take lessons with? ---Yuki TachayaMiki ChidchayaMary JaneYelly SurangkanangKwan ThaniyaFai KobponI don't have any preference. Are you looking for online or in-person lessons? ---OnlineIn-personEither online or in-personA mixture of both For online, which program would you like to use? ---SkypeZoomGoogle MeetMicrosoft TeamsOtherI'm looking for in-person lessons. For in-person lessons, please specify the location you'd like to take classes. (if applicable) What is the purpose or goal of your study? What payment method would you prefer to use? ---Thai Bank transferWisePaypalOther What times and days are you available to take lessons? How many hours per class would you like to do? ---1 hour1.5 hours2 hours2.5 hours3 hoursOther How frequently would you like to take classes? ---Once a weekTwice a week2-3 times a week3 times a week4 times a week5 times a weekEvery dayEvery other week3-4 times a monthOther When would you like to start the lessons? ---As soon as possibleNext weekIn 2-3 weeksNext monthIn the near future How long do you plan to take lessons for? Is there anything else you'd like to let us know? By the way, how did you find us? ---Google searchYoutubeFacebookInstagramTikTokX (Twitter)AdvertisementsFriend's referralOther Share