[ V o c a b u l a r y – – – – – * ]
เจ [jay] vegan
มังสวิรัติ [mangsawírát] vegetarian
What vegans and vegetarians don’t eat.
เนื้อสัตว์ [néua sàt] meat
ไก่ [gài] chicken
หมู [mǔu] pork
เนื้อ(วัว) [néua (wua)] beef
เป็ด [pèd] duck
อาหารทะเล [aahǎan talay] seafood
ปลา [plaa] fish
กุ้ง [gûng] shrimp / prawn / lobster
ปู [puu] crab
หอย [hǒi] clam / mussel
น้ำปลา [nám plaa] fish sauce
น้ำพริก [nám prík] chili paste
กะปิ [ga pì] shrimp paste
Other foods vegans don’t eat.
ไข่ [kài] egg
นมวัว [nom (wua)] (cow’s) milk
ไอศกรีม/ไอติม [ice cream/ai tim] ice cream
เนย [noei] butter
ชีส [cheese] cheese
โยเกิร์ต [yogurt] yogurt
น้ำผึ้ง [nám pêung] honey
Other foods Thai vegans don’t eat.
(หัว)หอม [(hǔa) hǎwm] onion
หอมแดง [hǎwm daeng] shallot
ต้นหอม [tôn hǎwm] leek / spring onion
กุยช่าย [gui châai] chive
กระเทียม [gratiam] garlic
เหล้า [lâo] alcohol / liquor
Foods vegetarians and vegans like to eat.
ผัก [pàk] vegetable
ผลไม้ [pǒnlamáai] fruit
ถั่ว [tùa] bean / nut
เห็ด [hèd] mushroom
เต้าหู้ [tâo hûu] tofu
เนื้อเจ [néua jay] vegetarian meat / vegan meat
นมถั่วเหลือง [nom tùa leǔng] soy milk
ข้าว [kâao] rice
[ P h r a s e s – – – – – * ]
[mii menu jay mái]
Do you have vegan menu/options?
[mii arai jay bâang]
What vegan dishes do you have? / What’s vegan here?
[nîi jay réu plào]
Is this vegan?
อันนี้ มีไข่ไหม
[anníi mii kài mái]
Does this contain eggs?
[mii sùan pasǒm kǎwng nom wua réu plào]
Does it contain dairy?
[kǎw……mâi sài kài]
Can I have……with no eggs?
[kǎw……mâi sài néua sàt]
Can I have……with no meat?
[phǒm gin jay]
I’m vegan.
[phǒm mâi gin…..]
I don’t eat…..
[phǒm gin…..mâi dâi]
I can’t eat…..
[phǒm gin jay práw……]
I went vegan because……
[phǒm gin jay maa…….pii léaw]
I’ve been vegan for…… years.
[phǒm gin jay chapáw chûang thêetsagaan]
I only go vegan during the (vegan) festival.
[thêetsagaan gin jay pii níi wan tîi tâo rài teǔng wan tîi tâo rài]
From what day until what day is the vegan festival this year?
1. Replace “ผม” [phǒm] with “ฉัน” [chán] if you’re a female.
2. Replace “เจ” [jay] with “มังสวิรัติ” [mangsawírát] if you want to say “vegetarian” instead of “vegan.”
3. In the photos are Yuki Tachaya’s homemade vegetarian/vegan dishes.

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