รู้ [rúu] is a verb meaning “to know”.
ทราบ [sâap] is a polite term for “to know”
ไม่ทราบ [mâi sâap] means “(I) don’t know”.
ทราบไหม [sâap mái] means “Do you know?”
Most Thai learners know all that. What most people don’t know is that when you use ไม่ทราบ [mâi sâap] before a question, it does not translate literally to “I don’t know,” which would not make sense. In that case, its function is just to make the question sound more polite.
Thai people commonly use “ไม่ทราบ [mâi sâap]” before a question when they start a conversation with someone. While there is no English equivalent, you can think of it as meaning “Excuse me” although it can be used together with “ขอโทษ [kǎw tôde],” which really means “Excuse me.” If not, you can think of it as meaning “please” (a term to express politeness).
However, we use it mostly when we want to ask someone a question that we feel a little bit uncomfortable or shy to ask such as “How old are you?” Be careful not to overuse it. Don’t ever use it in front of every question. It will sound funny and awkward.
For example:::
ขอโทษนะคะ ไม่ทราบห้องน้ำอยู่ที่ไหนคะ
[kǎw tôde náká, mâi sâap hâwng náam yùu tîi nǎi ká]
Excuse me, where is the bathroom please?
[mâi sâap ber torasàp khun ber arai kráp]
What is your telephone number, please?
[mâi sâap khun pen sâmii kǎwng khun Linda réu plào ká]
Excuse me, are you Mrs. Linda’s husband?

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