สวัสดีปีใหม่ [sawàddii pii mài] Happy New Year!
[Kǎw hâi túkkon jer tàe sìng dii dii talàwd táng pii]
May only good things occur to you throughout the entire year.
[kàwp khun mâak mâak tîi koi tìd taam pûak rao]
Thank you very much for following us.
สวัสดี [sawàddii] = hello
ปี [pii] = year
ใหม่ [mài] = new
ขอให้ [kǎw hâi] = May… (an expression used to wish someone something)
ทุกคน [túkkon] = everyone
เจอ [jer] = to meet / to encounter
แต่ [tàe] = only / but
สิ่ง [sìng] = thing
ดี [dii] = good
ตลอดทั้งปี [talàwd táng pii] = throughout the whole year
ขอบคุณ [kàwp khun] = thank you
มากๆ [mâak mâak] = very much
ที่ [tîi] = for…
คอย [koi] = to keep
ติดตาม [tìd taam] = to follow
พวกเรา [pûak rao] = we, us
From Yuki Tachaya & Miki Chidchaya
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