[pâw: kraao nâa, tâa eng sàwp tòk ìik kráng, mâi tâwng maa rîak guu wâa pâw]
Father: If you fail the exams again next time, don’t call me “father”!
[lûuk: kráp]
Son: Understood.
[lǎng gaan pragàat pǒn gaan sàwp lâi]
After the announcement of the exam results.
[pâw: pǒn sàwp pen ngai bâang lûuk]
Father: What are the results, son?
[lûuk: krai lûuk meung]
Son: Who’s your son?
คราวหน้า [kraao nâa] next time
สอบตก [sàwp tòk] to fail an exam
อีกครั้ง [ìik kráng] again, one more time
เรียก [rîak] to call
หลัง [lǎng] after
ประกาศ [pragàat] to announce
ผลสอบ [pǒn sàwp] exam result
Notes: 1.) The polite particle ครับ “kráp” can be used as a response to an order, to let someone know you got what they said. It means something similar to “Got it” or “Understood.” 2.) เอ็ง [eng] “you,” กู [guu] “I,” and มึง [meung] “you” are all impolite personal pronouns. While they do not sound pleasant, it’s still acceptable to use them with your children. However, it’s considered extremely rude and inappropriate to use with your parents. The pronoun มึง [meung] “you” was used by the son to refer to the father in this joke just so that it sounds funny. For more on personal pronouns, watch this PickupThai’s Youtube video:

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