Yuki & Miki @ PickupThai

สวัสดีปีใหม่ค่ะ ทุกคน
[sawàddii pii mài kâ túk kon]
Happy New Year, everyone!

ขอบคุณทุกคนที่ติดตามเราตลอดปี 2018
[khàwp khun túkkon tîi dtìd dtaam rao dtàlàwd pii sǎwng pan sìp bpàed]
Thank you for following us throughout the year 2018.

[gaan sanàpsanǔn kǎwng túkkon mii khwaam mǎai dtàw rao mâak mâak]
Your support means a lot to us.…

Continue reading Happy New Year 2019

[mâi mii sìng dai tam hâi rao sǐa jai dâai tâo kwaam kíd kwǎng rao eeng]
Nothing can hurt us as much as our own thought.

V o c a b u l a r y – – – *

ไม่มีสิ่งใด [mâi mii sìng dai] nothing
ทำให้ [tam hâi] to make… / to cause…
เสียใจ [sǐa jai] to be sad / to be hurt
ทำให้เสียใจ [tam hâi sǐa jai] to make someone sad / to hurt someone
เรา [rao] we / us
เท่า [tâo] as much as
ความคิด [kwaam kíd] thought
ของเราเอง [kwǎng rao eeng] our own….…

Continue reading Nothing…

[(khun) ja bpai London mái]
Are you going to London? (I know you’re going to Europe, is London in your itinerary?)

[(khun) ja bpai London réu plào]
Are you going to London? (I know you’re going to Europe, is London in your itinerary?)

[(khun) ja bpai London rǎw]
Are you going to London?…

Continue reading All the Possible Ways to Form Yes-No Questions

Private Lessons with Mary Jane
“I’ve been learning Thai with khru Jane for about six months now. At the beginning I wasn’t really sure what to expect from these Skype lessons. But a few weeks later I was completely persuaded of it. I didn’t just want to follow the structure of the exercises given, I always wanted to make my own sentences and small conversations using the vocabulary from the exercises done together.…

Continue reading A New Testimonial for Khru Jane

[maa loy krathong pen kûu]
Celebrating the Loy krathong festival with a partner…

[tam ráai jìt jai kon sòde]
hurting single people’s feelings.

ปรับ 2,000 (บาท)
[pràp sǎwng pan (baht)]
Penalty 2000 Baht

[ – – – Vocabulary – – – ]

ลอยกระทง [loy grathong]: to celebrate the Loy Krathong festival
เป็นคู่ [pen kûu]: in pair / in a group of two
ทำร้ายจิตใจ [tam ráai jìt jai]: to hurt (one’s feelings)
คนโสด [kon sòde]: single person
ปรับ [pràp]: to fine

[ – – – The Story of the Thai Loy Krathong – – – ]

Every year in November, Thai people celebrate the Loy Krathong festival by floating small boats made of banana leaves on a river, lake, or canal.…

Continue reading Loy Krathong Joke & Story

“~ให้ได้” [hâi dâai] is one of the commonly used idioms in spoken Thai. It functions as an adverb modifying a verb. Thus, it generally follows a verb and often appears at the end of a sentence.

Although this idiom doesn’t have an equivalent in English and translations of this word may vary, its overall meaning is “absolutely,” “no matter what,” “at any cost,” or “without fail.”…

Continue reading ~ให้ได้ “hâi dâai”

[prathêet Thai pii neung fon dtòk sǎwng wan]
In Thailand, it only rains two days a year.

[wan tîi guu pai tîao]
The day I go out.

[gàp wan tîi guu dtàak pâa]
And the day I hang my clothes to dry.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Ever wonder what’s the difference between “ประเทศไทย” [prathêet Thai] and “เมืองไทย” [meuang Thai]?…

Continue reading Rainy Days

A: เฮ้ย มึง ขอยืมตังค์หน่อยห้าร้อย
[hóei meung, kǎw yeum tang nòi hâa rói]
A: Hey bro, can I borrow 500?

B: เฮ้ย กูมีไม่ถึง กูมีอยู่สองร้อย
[héoi guu mii mâi teǔng, guu mii yùu sǎwng rói]
B: Woah! I don’t have that much. I only have 200.

A: เอามาก่อนก็ได้ งั้นมึงก็ติดกูอยู่สามร้อยนะ
[ao maa gàwn gâw dâai, ngán meung gâw tìd guu yùu sǎam rói ná]
A: That’s fine, just give me what you have now.…

Continue reading Borrowing Money

วันฮาโลวีน [wan halloween] Halloween day

สามสิบเอ็ด [sǎam sìp èd] 31
ตุลาคม [tùlaakom] October
สีส้ม [sǐi sôm] orange
สีดำ [sǐi dam] black
ฟักทอง [fák tawng] pumpkin
ตะเกียงฟักทอง [ta giang fák tawng] Jack-o’-lantern
ลูกอม [lûuk om] candy
เทียน [tian] candle
ตะกร้า [ta grâa] basket
แม่มด [mâe mód] witch
หมวกแม่มด [mùak mâe mód] witch hat
ไม้กวาด [máai gwàad] broomstick
หม้อต้ม [mâw tôm] cauldron
ยาพิษ [yaa pít] potion
แมงมุม [maeng moom] spider
ใยแมงมุม [yai maeng moom] spider web
ค้างคาว [káang kaao] bat
แมวดำ [maew dam] black cat
นกฮูก [nók hûuk] owl
ผี [pǐi] ghost
วิญญาณ [win yaan] spirit
น่ากลัว [nâa glua] scary
หลอก [làwk] to scare
โลงศพ [long sòp] coffin
หลุมฝังศพ [lǔm fǎng sòp] grave
ศิลาหน้าหลุมฝังศพ [sìlaa nâa lǔm fǎng sòp] tombstone
โครงกระดูก [krong gra dùuk] skeleton
หุ่นไล่กา [hùn lâi gaa] scarecrow
พระจันทร์ [prá jan] the moon
บ้านผีสิง [bâan pǐi sǐng] haunted house
งานฮาโลวีน [ngaan halloween] Halloween party
ชุดฮาโลวีน [chút halloween] Halloween costume

Continue reading Halloween Vocabulary

[rôm mâi dâi tùuk sâang kêun maa pêua hâi fǒn yùt tòk]
The umbrella was not invented to stop the rain from falling.

[tàe man tùuk sâang kêun maa pêua hâi rao dern tàw pai dâi tâam glaang sǎai fǒn]
But it was invented so that we could keep on walking in the rain.…

Continue reading Walking in the Rain

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มีความสุข [mii kwam sùk] To be happy
หัวเราะ [hǔa ráw] To laugh
ตื่นเต้น [tèun tên] To be excited
ดีใจ [dii jai] To be happy (fleetingly)
กลัว [glua] To be scared / afraid
โกรธ [gròte] To be angry
เสียใจ [sǐa jai] To be sad / sorry
กังวล [gang won] To be worried
กิน [gin] To eat
อาบน้ำ [àab náam] To take a bath / shower
ทำงาน [tam ngan] To work
นอน [nawn] To sleep
ออกกำลังกาย [àwk gamlang gaai] To exercise
ว่ายน้ำ [wâai náam] To swim
คุยโทรศัพท์ [kui torasàp] To talk on the phone
อ่านหนังสือ [àan nǎng sěu] To read a book

The character featured in this wallpaper appears in PickupThai’s E-picture Book for Learning Thai “The Unforgettable Day of Forgetful Tamago.

Continue reading Wallpaper 9: Feelings & Daily Actions

[nai chiiwít níi]
In this life…

[sìng dai tîi yùu něua gaan khûap khum kwǎng khun]
Whatever is beyond your control

[sìng nán gamlang sǎwn hâi khun rúu jàk plòi waang]
is teaching you how to let go.

[ V o c a b u l a r y – – – *]

ชีวิต [chiiwít] life
สิ่ง [sìng] thing
ใด [dai] which
ที่ [tîi] that… (relative pronoun)
เหนือ [něua] beyond
การควบคุม [gaan khûap khum] control
สอนให้ [sǎwn hâi] to teach (someone)..…

Continue reading Things Beyond Your Control