Yuki & Miki @ PickupThai

The expression “If I had known, (I would..)” in English can be expressed using the phrase “(ถ้า)รู้อย่างนี้ [tâa rúu yàang níi].” “ถ้า [tâa]” means “if” and can be omitted, “รู้ [rúu]” means “to know,” and “อย่างนี้ [yàang níi]” literally means “like this.”


(ถ้า)รู้อย่างนี้ ไม่มาแน่นอน
[(tâa) rúu yàang níi, mâi maa nâe nawn]
If I had known, I wouldn’t have come.…

Continue reading “If I had known”

[baang kon gâw tam tua měuan wâa káo payaayaam ja chûai khun]
Some people act as if they were trying to help you.

[ – – – V o c a b u l a r y – – – ]

บางคน [baang kon] some people
ทำตัว [tam tua] to act, to behave
เหมือนว่า [měuan wâa] like, as if
พยายาม [payaayaam] to try
ช่วย [chûai] to help

[ – – – G r a m m a r – – – ]

Noun + บาง [baang] + (specific) classifier (for that noun) = Some …….…

Continue reading The Hidden Ladder

In Thai, we use the word “มาก [mâak]” after an adjective to intensify it. For example, we say “สวยมาก [sǔai mâak]” for “very beautiful” and “ใหญ่มาก [mâak]” for “very big.” While it’s extremely useful and easy to use, it can get boring to use just this one word for every adjective.…

Continue reading Special Intensifiers

ก่อนมีผัว [gàwn mii pǔa] Before having a husband
หลังมีผัว [lǎng mii pǔa] After having a husband

ก่อนคลอด [gàwn klâwt] Before birth
หลังคลอด [lǎng klâwt] After birth

ก่อนเป็นแฟน [gàwn pen fan] Before we started dating

หวัดดี สุดสวย [wàddii sùdsǔai] Hello, Beautiful.
ทำอะไรอยู่จ๊าาา [tam arai yùu jáaaaa] What are you doing?
เย็นนี้ดูหนังกันมั้ยยย [yenníi duu nǎng gan máiiii] Wanna go watch a movie with me tonight?…

Continue reading Before VS After

[chiiwít kon rao mii kêun mii long]
Life has ups and downs.

[práw tâa sên trong keu taai]
Because if it’s linear, it means you’re dead.

[ – – – V o c a b u l a r y – – – ]

ชีวิต [chiiwít] life
คนเรา [konrao] we people
ขึ้น [kêun] up
ลง [long] down
เพราะ [práw] because
ถ้า [tâa] if
เส้น [sên] line
ตรง [trong] straight
คือ [keu] verb to be
ตาย [taai] to die, to be dead

Related post: Video lesson  “The Thai Verbs to Be


Continue reading Part of Life

10 สิ่งที่จะแก้เครียดเราได้ดี
[sìp sìng tîi ja gâe krîat rao dâai dii]
10 Things to Effectively Relieve Your Stress

1 ปิ้งย่าง [pîng yâang] (Korean) barbeque
2 ชาบู [chaa buu] shabu (Japanese hot pot)
3 ชาเขียว [chaa kǐao] green tea
4 อาหารทะเล [aa hǎan talay] seafood
5 แซลมอน [saew mâwn] salmon
6 ส้มตำ [sôm tam] Thai papaya salad
7 บิงซู [bing suu] bingsu (Korean shaved ice dessert)
8 เค้ก [cake] cake
9 ช้อปปิ้ง [shoppping] shopping
10 และมีเงินโอนเข้าบัญชี 10 ล้าน [láe mii ngern oan kâo banchii sìp láan]
And 10 million baht transferred to my bank account

[ – – – V o c a b u l a r y – – – ]

สิ่ง [sìng] thing
แก้ [gâe] to relieve, to repair
เครียด [krîat] stress, to be stressed
เรา [rao] we, us
ปิ้ง [pîng] to toast
ย่าง [yâang] to grill
อาหาร [aahǎan] food
ทะเล [talay] sea
เงิน [ngern] money
โอน [oan] to transfer
เข้า [kâo] into
บัญชี [banchii] bank account


Continue reading 10 Stress Relievers

อดเปรี้ยวไว้กินหวาน [òd prîao wái gin wǎan] is a Thai proverb that is used to teach or encourage delayed gratification, which is the act of resisting an impulse to take an immediately available reward in order to obtain a more valued one in the future. It’s usually said to someone to encourage them to not take what they want now and wait for what they want more in the future.…

Continue reading อดเปรี้ยวไว้กินหวาน “òd prîao wái gin wǎan”

[mêua kít ja lóm lêrk kwaam tângjai]
When you’re going to give up on something you started,

[hâi tǎam tua eeng wâa]
ask yourself

[hèet dai jeung rêum tôn]
why you started it in the first place.

[kǒng jéu]

V o c a b u l a r y – – – *

ล้มเลิก [lóm lêrk] to give up
ความตั้งใจ [kwaam tângjai] determination
ถาม [tǎam] to ask
ตัวเอง [tua eeng] oneself
เหตุใด [hèet dai] why
เริ่มต้น [rêum tôn] to start

Continue reading Ask Yourself

[chii wít kon rao man sân]
Life is short.

[jong tam nai sìng tîi châwp]
Do what you like.

[láe ráp pìt châwp nai sìng tîi tam]
And be responsible for what you do.

[práw adìit gàp pàdjuban]
Because the past and the present

[man hàang gan kâe wínaatii diao]
are just one second apart.…

Continue reading Life Is Short

ความลับในมือถือ มีมากขนาดไหน
[kwaam láp nai meu těu mii mâak kanàat nǎi]
The number of secrets one has on their phone

[kam nuan dâai jàak kwaam reo nai gaan grachâak glàp mêua fan yìp pai]
can be calculated by the speed at which they snatch it back when taken by their significant other.…

Continue reading The Secrets on the Phone

The word “แทนที่” [tan tîi] is a verb meaning “to replace” or “to substitute for.” However, “แทนที่จะ” [tan tîi jà] is used as an idiom. It’s usually followed by a verb and it means “instead of (doing something).” For example,

1. ปริ๊นท์เตอร์เราเสีย แทนที่จะปริ๊นท์ออกมาเป็นสี กลับออกมาเป็นสีดำ
[Printer rao sǐa, tan tîi ja print àwk maa pen sǐi, glàp àwk maa pen sǐi dam]
My printer is broken.…

Continue reading แทนที่จะ “tan tîi jà”

There are several prefixes in Thai that mean “person.” The most common ones are “นัก” [nák], “ผู้” [pûu]  “คน” [kon], “ชาว” [chaao], “ช่าง” [châng], “เจ้า” [jâo], “ตัว” [tua], “ที่” [tîi], “นาย” [naai], “นาง” [naang], “พ่อ” [pâw], “แม่” [mâe] and “ลูก” [lûuk]. Occupation names often include one of these words.

In most cases, these prefixes precede a verb and the newly formed word means a person who does the action of the verb.…

Continue reading 13 Prefixes Meaning “Person”

นักวางแผน [nák waang pǎen] planner
นักวิเคราะห์ [nák wí kráw] analyst
นักวิจารณ์ [nák wíjaan] commentator
ผู้ชำนาญการ [pûu chamnaangaan] specialist
ที่ปรึกษา [tîi prèuksǎa] advisor
ผู้เชี่ยวชาญ [pûu chîaochaan] expert
นักคิด [nák kít] thinker
ผู้ตรวจสอบ [pûu trùat sàwp] examiner
ผู้คุมงาน [pûu kum ngaan] supervisor
นักออกแบบ [nák àwk bàep] designer
กู คนทำ [guu.. kontam] me.. the guy who takes action.…

Continue reading The Doer

กูที่ใส่แมสก์และล้างมือทุก 5 นาที
[guu tîi sài mask láe láang meu túk hâa naatii]
Me, wearing a mask and washing hands every 5 minutes.

[chéua covid]

[ – – – – – G r a m m a r – – – – -] 

ทุก [túk]+ number + counter = every…(period of time)…

ทุกสองวัน  [túk sǎwng wan] every two days (every other day)
ทุกสามอาทิตย์ [túk sǎam aathít] every three weeks
ทุกสี่ปี [túk sìi pii] every four years
ทุกห้าชั่วโมง [túk hâa chûa mong] every five hours

Remark* “ทุกๆ” [túk túk] can also be used to emphasize the meaning e.g.…

Continue reading Despite My Best Efforts