[tawn râek kít wâa tua eeng tìd series]
First, I thought I was addicted to series.
อ่อเปล่า กูติดผู้ชายหล่อ
[àw plào guu tìd pûu chaai làw]
I’m not. (I realized) I’m (actually) addicted to handsome guys.
( n _ n )
“ติด” [tìd] to be addicted to something (addictive)
For example,
ติดเกมส์ [tìd game] addicted to games
ติดเฟสบุ๊ค [tìd Facebook] addicted to Facebook
ติดอินเตอร์เน็ต [tìd Internet] addicted to the Internet
ติดกาแฟ [tìd gaafae] addicted to coffee
ติดบุรี่ [tìd burìi] addicted to cigarettes
ติดเหล้า [tìd lâo] addicted to alcohol (to be an alcoholic)
ติดยา [tìd yaa] addicted to drugs (to be a drug addict)
It can also be used with a person. If you ติด [tìd] someone, it means that you hate to be away from that person. You want to be with that person as much as possible. Babies usually ติดแม่ [tìd mâe], meaning that they need their moms with them at all times. Some toddlers ติดแม่ more than others. If you ติดเพื่อน [tìd pêuan], it means that you always want to be around your friends and do everything with them. You’re hardly alone. You would meet them 7 days a week if possible. And if you ติดแฟน [tìd fan], you’re very attached to your boyfriend or girlfriend. You’re always with him or her. You hardly spend time separately.
ติด [tìd] also has several other meanings. For example;
1. “To be next to”
[bâan rao yùu tìd Seven]
My house is next to a 7-Eleven.
2. “To be engaged or unavailable because of something”
เย็นนี้เราไม่ว่างไปเจอ ติดธุระ
[yen níi rao mâi wâang pai jer, tìd túrá]
I’m not free to go see you this evening. I have an errand to run.
3. “To carry or to bring/ to take something with you,”
อย่าลืมติดยาสีฟันไปด้วยนะ เขามีให้แค่แปรง
[yàa leum tìd yaa sǐi fan pai dûai ná, káo mii hâi kâe praeng]
Don’t forget to bring a toothpaste. They only provide a toothbrush.
4. “To be stuck”
บัตรเอทีเอ็มผมติดอยู่ในเครื่อง เอาออกไม่ได้เลย
[bàt ATM phǒm tìd yùu nai kreûang. Ao àwk mâi dâai loei]
My ATM card got stuck in the machine. I couldn’t take it out.
5. “To do something as a habit”
ผมติดอ่านหนังสือก่อนนอน ถ้าไม่อ่านแล้วนอนไม่หลับ
[phǒm tìd àan nǎng sěu gàwn nawn. Tâa mâi àan léaw nawn mâi làp]
I always read a book before I go to bed. If I don’t do that, I can’t sleep.
6. “To owe someone money”
ที่ติดฉันสามล้านบาท เมื่อไหร่จะคืน
[tîi tìd chán sǎam láan bàat, mêu rài ja keun]
When are you going to return the 3 million baht that you owe me?
7. “To stick”
[chán yàak dâai mâe lèk laai Mickey Mouse maa tìd tûu yen jang]
I want a Mickey Mouse magnet to put on the fridge.

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