[kwaam chêua jai gâw meǔan yaang lóp]
Trust is like an eraser.
ผิดบ่อยๆ ยางลบก็ก้อนเล็กลง
[pìt bòi bòi, yaang lóp gâw gâwn lék long]
The more often mistakes are made, the smaller it gets.
[ – – – Vocabulary – – – ]
ความเชื่อใจ [kwaam chêua jai] trust
เหมือน [meǔan] like
ยางลบ [yaang lóp] eraser, rubber
ผิด [pìt] wrong
บ่อยๆ [bòi bòi] often
ก็ [gâw] a word used to express a consequence
ก้อน [gâwn] a classifier for erasers
เล็กลง [lék long] smaller
[ – – – Grammar – – – ]
We use the structure of “adjective / adverb + ลง [long] or ขึ้น [kêun]” to talk about a change that occurs within the same subject, whereas we use “กว่า [gwàa]” to make a comparison between two different subjects.…
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